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Stockland Coomera Foreshore


Weathertex Circular Economy Analysist Report by Coreo focusing on the Stocklands Coomera project. 

Weathertex Australia is a leading manufacturer of sustainable timber cladding products that have been designed to embrace a circular economy. Find out the steps we’ve taken towards achieving this goal, including sourcing their raw materials from responsibly managed forests that adhere to sustainable forestry practices,  its unique manufacturing process and  partnering with building companies with the commitment of reducing their environmental impact and promoting a more circular economy in the construction industry.

In 2020, to assess the circularity of five chosen materials, Coreo Pty Ltd analysed each respective material’s upstream and downstream material journey from the Coomera Foreshore and North Lakes Vida project sites on behalf of Stockland, a diversified Australian property development company. This information would help Stockland identify challenges, opportunities, and actions towards creating a circular economy particularly in areas where the company has direct control and could create systemic impact in the supply chain.

Using the five chosen materials as a starting point, Coreo developed a Circular Economy Maturity Assessment  (CEMA) to analyse, measure, and assess the circularity of those materials and assess the product manufacturers' level of maturity in moving towards a circular economy. The CEMA includes a quantitive assessment of input and output material flows and provides a score based on how circular a company’ products and materials are today. The qualitative assessment evaluates indicators in four thematic areas: strategy and  planning; innovation; people and skills; and external engagement.

Weathertex cladding was included in the circularity analysis, achieving an outstanding quantitative circularity score of 86%. Weathertex is an Australian owned and operated manufacturer of timber cladding, weatherboard and architectural panels.

Visit Stocklands website for more information

Multi-residential townhouses Stocklands Coomera Project with sustainable timber cladding used in the design Weathertex Weathergroove and Selflok ecogroove profiles.


Fern Bay Public School Learning Hub built in Weathergroove 150 Natural with timer battens and Weathergroove 1200 Smooth panels with a painted finish.

Fern Bay Public School

Weathertex sustainable hardwood timber cladding was selected for the Fern Bay Public School Learning Hub project, the first in a planned rollout by School Infrastructure NSW of ‘Designed for Manufactured Assembly’ (DfMA/factory-built) modular classroom projects.

Modern Industrial home featuring Weathergroove 150 Woodsman dark textured wall cladding.

The Morley Project

Edgecliff Homes have built this impressive modern industrial home, featuring Weathergroove 150 Woodsman as the main cladding. Learn about the journey to design and build this dream home!

Big House Little House Sustainable home stained in black out on a bush property featured in Weathertex Weathergroove 75mm Natural Architectural Panels for your outdoor timber cladding needs.

Big House Little House

Weathertex has a great variety of products and textures which help enhance my designs and bring them to life. I like that the products are designed and made in Australia from natural hardwood with the large 3.6m sheets providing a more seamless finish with less visible joins.



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